How does YouTube shorts algorithm work (A Comprehensive Guide)

As one of the most popular video-sharing platforms in the world, YouTube has been constantly evolving to provide its users with the best possible experience.

One of the latest features introduced by YouTube is Shorts, a new format that allows users to create short-form videos that are 60 seconds or less in length. The feature is similar to TikTok and Instagram Reels, and has been gaining a lot of traction since its launch.

If you are a content creator on YouTube, it’s important to understand how the Shorts algorithm works so that you can optimize your content and reach a wider audience. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how the algorithm behind YouTube Shorts works.

How Does the YouTube Shorts Algorithm Work?

Similar to the algorithm for regular videos on YouTube, the Shorts algorithm is designed to identify and promote videos that are relevant and engaging to viewers. Here are some of the key factors that determine how the algorithm works:

1. Video Quality

The quality of the video is one of the most important factors that determine how the Shorts algorithm works. YouTube Shorts is a vertical video format, which means that the videos should be shot in portrait mode. It’s important to ensure that the video is clear and not shaky, and that the sound is clear and audible.

2. Engagement

Engagement is another key factor that determines how the Shorts algorithm works. The more engagement your video receives, the higher it will rank in the search results. This includes likes, comments, shares, and subscriptions. It’s important to encourage your viewers to engage with your content by asking them to like, comment, and share your videos.

3. Keywords

Keywords play a crucial role in how the Shorts algorithm works. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your video title, description, and tags. This will help the algorithm understand what your video is about and show it to viewers who are interested in that particular topic.

4. Watch Time

Watch time is another important factor that determines how the Shorts algorithm works. The longer your video is watched, the higher it will rank in the search results. It’s important to create engaging content that keeps your viewers interested and encourages them to watch your entire video.

5. Viewer Behavior

The behavior of viewers who watch your video also plays a role in how the Shorts algorithm works. If viewers watch your video and then watch more videos on YouTube Shorts, it signals to the algorithm that your video is relevant and engaging. This can lead to your video being recommended to more viewers.

6. Creator Behavior

The behavior of the creator also plays a role in how the Shorts algorithm works. If you consistently create high-quality content that receives a lot of engagement, it signals to the algorithm that you are a trusted creator. This can lead to your videos being recommended to more viewers.

Finally, the algorithm takes into account the latest trends and topics that are popular on YouTube Shorts. Creating content around trending topics can help your video get more visibility and reach a wider audience.

8. Device and Account Settings

Finally, YouTube looks at device and account settings to determine the visibility of your Shorts. For example, if a user is watching Shorts on a device that supports vertical videos, your Shorts are more likely to be promoted. Similarly, if a user is subscribed to your channel or watches similar content, your Shorts are more likely to be recommended to them.

Tips for Optimizing Your Videos for YouTube Shorts

Now that you understand how the Shorts algorithm works, Here are some tips for optimizing your YouTube Shorts for the algorithm:

  1. Focus on Video Quality: As mentioned earlier, video quality is one of the most important factors that determine how the Shorts algorithm works. Make sure to shoot your videos in portrait mode and ensure that the video is clear and not shaky. Pay attention to the lighting and ensure that the sound is clear and audible.
  2. Keep Your Videos Short and Engaging: Since Shorts are supposed to be short-form videos, it’s important to keep them engaging and interesting throughout their entire length. Use eye-catching visuals, interesting transitions, and concise narration to keep your viewers hooked.
  3. Leverage Trending Topics: Keep an eye on the latest trends and topics that are popular on YouTube Shorts and try to create content around them. This will help your videos get more visibility and reach a wider audience.
  4. Encourage Engagement: Encourage your viewers to engage with your content by asking them to like, comment, share, and subscribe to your channel. This will help your videos get more visibility and improve your overall engagement rate.
  5. Collaborate with Other Creators: Collaborating with other creators can help you reach a wider audience and improve your visibility on the platform. Look for creators who have a similar audience and collaborate with them on videos that are relevant to both of your audiences.
  6. Promote Your Videos on Social Media: Promoting your Shorts on social media can help you reach a wider audience and improve your overall visibility on the platform. Share your videos on your social media profiles and encourage your followers to watch and engage with your content.


In conclusion, understanding how the algorithm behind YouTube Shorts works is crucial for content creators who want to improve their visibility and reach a wider audience.

By focusing on video quality, engagement, relevant keywords, watch time, viewer behavior, creator behavior, and the latest trends, you can optimize your content for the Shorts algorithm and improve your overall performance on the platform.

FAQs About the YouTube Shorts Algorithm

  • How do you beat YouTube Shorts algorithm?

    There is no guaranteed way to “beat” the YouTube Shorts algorithm, but there are certain things you can do to optimize your Shorts for visibility. These include creating engaging and creative content, optimizing your title, description, and tags, and engaging with your audience.

  • How does YouTube decide which Shorts to show you?

    YouTube uses a variety of factors to determine which Shorts to show you, including engagement metrics, user behavior, video content, video information, and device and account settings. The algorithm is designed to surface the best Shorts to viewers based on these factors.

  • Does YouTube Shorts have an algorithm?

    Yes, YouTube Shorts has an algorithm that is designed to surface the best Shorts to viewers based on a variety of factors. These include engagement metrics, user behavior, video content, video information, and device and account settings.

  • How much does YouTube Shorts pay for $1 million views?

    YouTube Shorts is a new feature that is still in the early stages of development. As such, there is currently no set rate for how much Shorts pay per view or per million views. However, creators can earn revenue through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

  • What is the best time to upload YouTube Shorts?

    The best time to upload YouTube Shorts will depend on your target audience and their viewing habits. You may want to experiment with different upload times to see when your Shorts receive the most engagement and views. Additionally, you can use YouTube analytics to track your audience’s viewing habits and adjust your upload schedule accordingly.

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