How to turn on/off comments in Youtube shorts

Are you looking to understand how to turn on or off comments in Youtube Shorts? In this guide, we will take you through the process of enabling and disabling comments in Youtube Shorts. This can be beneficial in curating a healthy discussion section around your videos and also preventing workplace chaos from inappropriate commentators. Let’s get started!

Overview of YouTube Shorts

YouTube has recently launched a new feature called Shorts, which is a vertical video-sharing platform. It allows users to upload short-form videos and share them with family and friends. With Shorts, you can easily create fun, creative videos and share them with the world.

In this article, we will explore how to turn on and off comments in YouTube Shorts.

What are YouTube Shorts?

YouTube Shorts is an emerging format on YouTube that allows users to upload and watch short-form videos. It is designed to give creators more options when creating content and also help viewers find shorter interactive videos. Shorts are available throughout the YouTube app, including in its new dedicated destination, the YouTube Shorts tab.

YouTube Shorts are designed to be viewed easily full screen in a vertical orientation on any mobile device. The preferred length for most Shorts videos is 30 seconds or less, but you can upload longer videos of up to 60 seconds. Additionally, you can include YouTube music along with your video for additional creative effects.

When creating a Short, you can add filters and other enhancements such as stickers and pre-made animations from the “Sticker Library” to show off your style or personality. To create engaging content for your audience, you can also set various settings such as the background color or music sync options for different parts of your video which will control how viewers interact with it.

You can also choose whether or not viewers are able to leave comments on your video by going into Upload Settings on the YouTube app and selecting Public Commenting under “Video Sharing Options” during the upload process – this feature will allow you create an engaging experience while still keeping control over user comments/interactions with your content.

Benefits of YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a new way to share and watch short-form videos between 15 seconds and 1 minute, with many tools available to help you create engaging content. It offers a few key advantages compared to longer video formats.

  • It’s designed for YouTube’s mobile users who prefer an easy user experience on their smartphone screens.
  • Most of the viewers are scrolling through their feeds while they watch resulting in an increased engagement with each video. This allows the content creator to benefit from higher audience retention rates and an increased ability to spread their message through the platform.

Furthermore, YouTube Shorts uses its state of the art machine learning algorithms that enable creators to organize and optimize their content so that it ranks higher in people’s feeds for greater viewership. Furthermore, its built-in tools help creators create visually stunning shorts quickly and easily via its integrated editor with no need for additional software or editing studios.

With YouTube Shorts’ features such as monetization options, comprehensive analytics suite and newly introduced partnerships with brands enrich creators even more than before by providing new revenue creating opportunities for them. Moreover, these revenue opportunities have enabled thousands of emerging artists worldwide creating quality content on the platform without compromising quality.

Overall, YouTube Shorts provides a unique viewing experience which is simple yet interactive at the same time that has unprecedented benefits for both viewers & creators alike granting it one of Youtube’s top spots in terms of user engagement!

How to Turn On/Off Comments in YouTube Shorts

If you’re looking to control the comments on your YouTube Shorts videos, you have the option of turning them on or off. This can help you better manage the conversations happening around your content and ensure that the interactions your audience has are positive ones.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to turn on or off comments in YouTube Shorts.

Accessing the Settings Menu

If you would like to turn off comments in your YouTube Shorts videos, you will need to access the settings menu. This can be done by verifying that you are logged into your YouTube account, then navigating to the ‘Video Manager’ tab on the left side of your screen. From here, select the “Shorts” tab. You will now be able to select an individual Short by hovering over it with your mouse and clicking the three dots located on its thumbnail. On the menu that opens up, select ‘Edit Video’ followed by ‘Advanced Settings.’

The Advanced Settings page contains many different configuration options. Locate the section simply titled ‘Comments.’ You will then see two radio buttons corresponding to turning on/off comments within this section. Select whichever option you prefer depending if you would like comments enabled or disabled for this particular short.

Once finished, press ‘Save Changes’ in order for them to take effect and click the ‘X’ on the top right-hand corner of your window in order to close it. Comments will now be turned off or on for this video as specified.

Enabling/Disabling Comments

YouTube Shorts is a great way to easily share short-form videos on YouTube and engage with your viewers. However, you may want to enable or disable comments on YouTube Shorts in order to help manage the conversations around your content. This tutorial will walk you through the steps of enabling/disabling comment settings in YouTube Shorts.

Enabling/Disabling Comments:

  1. Log into your YouTube account and access the video editor for the video that you wish to enable/disable comments for.
  2. On the left-hand side of your video editor, click on “Advanced Settings“.
  3. Scroll down until you reach the “Comments” section.
  4. Here, you can configure settings by clicking “Enable” or “Disable“.
  5. Click “Save” at the top of the page and exit from this Setting page when prompted.
  6. Now all changes applied will be visible to viewers as soon as they view your videos or shorts in any alternative app such as mobile, TV screens or website players etc..
  7. You can also undo the changes by reverting back to the previous settings again via Advanced Settings page if required anytime!

Once comments have been enabled/disabled for a particular video, our algorithm might take a few moments to reflect this change across all platforms and devices on which it’s available before viewers are able to see it publicly – typically occurring within 24 hours after making these updates.. Thanks for using YouTube!


Overall, it is relatively quick and simple to enable or disable comments for your YouTube Shorts. As a content creator on the platform, you can decide if you want to keep engaging with comments or prefer to stay away from them. It is important that you are aware of what content you are sharing and the potential impact it could have on your audience.

It is also worth remembering that regardless of the comment settings, other users may still be able to share comments in other ways such as by mentioning them in their own stories or posts.

Content creators have a responsibility to protect their audience’s psychological well-being as much as possible. We recommend familiarizing yourself with YouTube’s terms of service and community guidelines so that you can ensure that your content remains safe and appropriate for all viewers.


  • Why can’t I comment on YouTube shorts?

    YouTube Shorts are a relatively new feature, so the ability to comment on them may not yet be available. Additionally, the owner of the Short may have disabled the commenting function in order to avoid any potential negative feedback.

  • How do I watch YouTube Shorts full screen?

    To watch YouTube Shorts on Chrome, open the YouTube app or website and select the “Shorts” tab. You can also search for specific Shorts using the search bar. Once you find what you’re looking for, click play to start watching. Enjoy